Renewing the Vitality and Resilience of the Florida Keys Together!
Re-Elect Jim Scholl Republican for Monroe County Commissioner for District 3
Paid for by Re-Elect Jim Scholl, Republican for County Commissioner District 3
Jim values community relationships and remains engaged in addressing constituents’ concerns. With a vast network both inside and outside of government, he ensures effective communication and collaboration to achieve positive outcomes for Monroe County.

“My commitment to good governance is evident in my decades of service to the community, both in uniform and beyond. I believe the government should be responsive and responsible to taxpayers, and I take pride in working with friends and colleagues from across the spectrum of governments, nonprofit agencies, industry, and constituents to find solutions to our biggest challenges.”

Commissioner Jim Scholl is a twenty-one-year resident of Key West and the Lower Keys and is the current Monroe County Commissioner for District 3. He arrived in 2003 as the Commanding Officer of Naval Air Station (NAS) Key West and remained here following his retirement after a highly successful twenty-eight-year Navy career as an F-14 Naval Flight Officer.
Leadership Matters
1. Proven results in Emergency and Crisis Management
2. Committed to solving housing and resiliency challenges across Monroe County
3. Disciplined steward of taxpayer dollars
Community engaged:
Florida Defense Support
Task Force Commission
Military Affairs Committee Member
Florida Federal Executive Board Member (3 years)
Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council Member
Former Sigsbee Charter School Board Member (11 years) and President (5 years)
Key West Sunrise Rotary Club member and past President
Navy League of the United States Key West Council Member
International Propeller Club of the U.S. Port of Key West Member
Life member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW)
Campaign Contribution
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Donated Money
The District Breakdown
District 1: East part of Key West, Stock Island, Key Haven
District 2: Boca Chica through 7 Mile Bridge, including the north side of US 1 to 63rd Court in Marathon
District 3: West part of Key West
District 4: Marathon, not including District 2, through Plantation Key with a small west end of Tavernier
District 5: Tavernier through Ocean Reef
Municipalities Within Monroe County
There are five municipalities within Monroe County, which each have their own city managers, elected councils and mayor, and government procedures. The municipality government oversees its own municipal budgets.
City of Key West
Village of Islamorada
City of Marathon
City of Key Colony Beach
City of Layton
Board of County Commissioners
The Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) governs unincorporated Monroe County and the primary County government functions. The BOCC consists of five members elected Countywide for staggering terms of four years in the general election in even years. Should there be no opposition from an opposing party, an election is determined in the primary. Candidates must be registered voters and reside in the district they will represent. The districts are determined based on population every 10 years after each U.S. Census.
Vote By Mail Requirements Have Changed!
If you would like to Vote By Mail this election season, it is REQUIRED that you ask for an Absentee Ballot EVERY 2 YEARS. Every general election cycle requires a ballot request. If you have not requested your ballot for 2024 and intend to Vote By Mail, the time to act to be able to do so is now!
If you are a qualified, registered voter, you are eligible to be able to Vote by Mail. You can request a Vote by Mail Ballot for a specific election, or for all elections in an election year. For more information about the Absentee process proceed to:
Options to register include:
- By telephone: (305) 292-3416
- By fax: (305) 292-3406
- By mail: 5200 College Road Key West FL 33040
- By email:
- By having someone bring your written and signed request to the Elections Office
- In person in Key West: 5200 College Road on Stock Island
In person or by phone in Marathon:
100th Street Center
10015 Overseas Hwy
Marathon, Florida 33050
(305) 289-6017
In person or by phone in Key Largo:
Murray Nelson Center
102050 Overseas Highway #137
Key Largo, Florida 33037-2785
(305) 453-8740
Donate to the Re-Elect Jim Scholl campaign and support
continued progress for Monroe County.
To mail a check please include your name, phone number, address and occupation to:
Re-Elect Jim Scholl Campaign
PO Box 555
Key West, FL 33041